Coming up is a Drive-in theatre organised by our dedicated show society. This event will be consisting of two films with the first being the family friendly King-Fu Panda 4 - commencing at 7:30PM. Gates will open from 6PM on Saturday the 2nd of November, to allow you to find a park or set up a picnic site, whichever takes your pick. There will be limited parking, so contact us and purchase your tickets quickly to book your spot!
The second film of the evening will be 2024 Twisters, a more action packed movie for the adults, as a fun little date-night or general outing. This will be commencing from 9:30pm.
Prices are $15 per child, $20 per adult, or grab a family ticket for $50 which will cover up to two adults and four children.
You can prepurchase your tickets on our website, our contact us through our contact page for further details. We look forwards to seeing you there!
The second film of the evening will be 2024 Twisters, a more action packed movie for the adults, as a fun little date-night or general outing. This will be commencing from 9:30pm.
Prices are $15 per child, $20 per adult, or grab a family ticket for $50 which will cover up to two adults and four children.
You can prepurchase your tickets on our website, our contact us through our contact page for further details. We look forwards to seeing you there!
ABN: 53 645 655 469